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When you choose Digita, you're getting more than just a great product,
you're getting a company committed to providing the best possible customer
service and support for your product. We want you to get the most from
your Digita software. As a registered user, we`ll help you get it.
Contacting Digita For Help
One of the really great things about Digita Print Manager is that if you
have a problem, we're here to help you, telephone support is avallable to
registered users from 10AM until 5PM. Simply call 0891 616 944. Calls are
charged at 36p per minute cheap rate and 48p per minute at all other times.
Be sure to ask permission of the telephone owner before calling.
Alternatively, (enclosing a stamped self addressed padded envelope), write
to Digita Technical Support Division, Black Horse House, Exmouth EX8 1JL
Welcome to Digita Print Manager.
Digita Print Manager works with Digita software to fully maximize the
quality and performance of your printer
Digita Print Manager supports the following types of printer:
9-pin dot matrix (for example, Citizen Swift 9).
24/ 48-pin dot matrix (for example, Citizen Swift 240C).
HP Deskjet 500 / 510 (or compatible), black and white.
HP Deskjet 500C/550C/1200 (or compatible), colour
HP Laserjet II/III/IV (or compatible),
Canon BJ 5/ 10/20/200/230 bubblejet.
How Digita Print Manager Works
Workbench (the software which controls your Ainiga), is supplied with a
selection of printer drivers. Printer drivers are software which, when
printing, communicate information from your Amiga to the printer (for more
information, refer to "Amiga Workbench Users Guide", supplled with your
Digita Print Manager works by adding an enhanced printer driver to Amiga
Workbench, along side your existing printer drivers (these are located in
the Devs:Printers drawer). Refer to "Printer Preferences Editor", in the
"Amiga Workbench Users Guide"
Digita software, like Wordworth, will automatically use these enhanced
printer drivers whenever you print, improving the performance of your
printer. If you use any other third party software, you will need to
revert to the standard Amiga Workbench printer drivers.
Digita Print Manager has been especially designed to work with Wordworth.
It will also work with Money Matters, Digita's personal finance software,
and new Digita software being released in 1994.
However, Digita Print Manager will not work with any other Amiga software,
including Deluxe Paint and early Digita titles such as Day By-Day and
Mailshot Plus.
Therefore, carefully follow the installation instructions in this book
which will install Digita Print Manager printer drivers for the exclusive
use of Wordworth
Preparing to Use Digita Print Manager
Before starting, install Wordworth.
Refer to the following sections in your Wordworth Instruction Book:
"Conventions Used in This Book".
"What You Should Already know".
You have been provided with one disk, Digita Print Manager
Step 1
Make a backup copy of your master disk.
It's important to work with a copy of your master disk rather than the
original. If a copy is damaged or lost, you can go back to the original
and make another copy.
Before copying, slide up the small tab in the upper left corner on the back
of the disk so that it is in the uppermost position (the tab will no longer
be visible from the front side of the disk). This locks information on the
disk, preventing accidental deletion of files and documents
Step 2
Now copy the disk as follows:
Switch on your Amiga and insert the Amiga disk titled Workbench. Open a
Shell by double-clicking its icon in the System drawer. Then type:
Sys:System/diskcopy from df0: to df0: and press the Return key
Step 3
Now place the original master disk in the internal disk drive and when
prompted. press the Return key. Follow the on-screen instructions
If you make backups from the Workbench screen instead of the Shell, be sure
to rename the backup disks removing copy of and make sure there are no
hidden spaces contained in the disk title
Installing Digita Print Manager
Step 1
Floppy Disk Users: Switch on your Amiga, and insert the disk titled
Hard Disk Users: Switch on your Amiga and wait for Workbench to start as
Important If you get the message to insert a disk which is already in a
drive, then the disk is incorrectly titled and needs renaming.
Step 2
When the Workbench screen appears, insert the disk titled Digita Print
Manager. Double-click the disk icon and then double-click the InstalDPM
Step 3
When the "Installation options" screen appears, click the Proceed button,
and click Proceed again when the Welcome screen appears. This will start
the installation process.
Step 4
When prompted, select your printer model from the list and click Proceed.
Depending on your selection, you will be asked for more specific
information about your printer (if you are asked about the emulation mode
of your printer, this information will be contained in your printer manual)
A message will appear confirming that the installation has been
successfully completed
One of the following printer drivers will have been placed into your
Wordworth:devs/printers drawer (Hard Disk Users: Amiga Workbench
devs/printers drawer):
9-pin dot matrix Digita Pin9Driver Digita Pin9Pref
24/48-pin dot matrix Digita PinDriver Digita PinPref
HP Deskjet 500/510 Digita-DeskDriver Digita DeskPref
HP Deskjet 500C/550C/I200 Digita DeskDriver4C Digita DeskPref4C
HP Laserjet II/III/IV Digita-LaserDriver Digita LaserPref
Canon BI 5/ I0/20/200/230 Digita-CanonBI5-230 Digita-CanonPrefBJ5-23'J
Using Wordworth With Print Manager
Start Wordworth and choose "Print setup" from the Project Printer menu.
Select the Digita print driver which you installed previously (it's the
driver prefixed by Digita).
Density: Auto
Shade: Set B&W, Grey1 or Colour as appropriate (B&W is the quickest).
Click OK and choose the Preferences command (Wordworth menu). Click Save,
and then click Save again to permanently save your new print driver
From now onwards, whenever you use Wordworth, it will automatically use the
Digita print Manager high performance printer driver (if you wish to revert
to your original Amiga Workbench printer driver, simply repeat this
process, changing your printer driver selection).
Print Setup Command (Project menu)
Use the tables below to set the Density ("print setup" command) to the
optimum for your printer (the higher the horizontal (X) and vectical (Y)
DPI, the better the quallty):
1 144 144 no colour adjustments/dither
2 240 216 no colour adjustments/dither
3 120 72
4 144 144
5 24O 144
6 144 216
7 24O 216
Digita-Pin9Driver densities
1 180 180 no colour adjustments/ dither
2 360 360 no colour adjustments/dither
3 180 180
4 120 360
5 180 360 48dot/linemode
6 360 180
7 360 360 48 dot/line mode
Digita-PinDriver densities
1 150 150 no colour adjustments/ dither
2 300 300 no colour adjustments/ dither
3 75 75
4 100 100
5 150 150
6 300 300
7 300 300
Digita-DeskDriver densities
Digita-DeskDriver4C densities
1 150 150 no colour adjustments/ dither
2 Max, Res. Max, Res, no colour adjustments/ dither
3 75 75
4 100 100
5 150 150
6 300 300
7 Max, Res, Max, Res.
Digita LaserDriver densities
1 180 180 no adjustments/ dither
2 360 360 no adjustments/ dither
3 180 180
4 180 180
5 180 360
6 360 180
7 360 360
Digita-CanonBJ5-230 densities
Modifying Digita Print Manager
For adventurous Amiga users, it is possible to customise the setting: to
tailor the output to a particular printer model.
To modify the Digita print Manager printer driver you previous installed,
you need to edit its preference file, which is located in the Wordworth
Prefs drawer (Hard Disk Users: Amiga Workbench Prefs drawer).
Double-click the Digita Prefs icon to open the preference requester for the
printer driver (in this example, Digita-Pin9Pref)
Each preference requester will vary slightly depending on the type of
printer driver you installed. Most settings are explained in Section 5.1,
Now refer to Section 5.1, "Digita-Pin9Driver" for general details
Then, proceed to one of the following sections, which will be specific to
your printer driver:
5.1 Digita-Pin9Driver
5.2 Digita-PinDriver
5.3 Digita-DeskDriver
5.4 Digita-DeskDriver4C
5.5 Digita-LaserDriver
5.6 Digita-CanonBJ5-230
To modify this printer driver, double click the icon Digita-Pin9Pref
(located in your Wordworth Prefs drawer, hard disk users - Amiga workbench
prefs drawer) and then click on the copywrite message window.
Silent Mode
If your printer has a silent, or quite mode, you can use this option.
Printing is quiet, but slower.
Fast Graphics
With some printers, dramatically improves the speed of the graphics output
by making the printer skip over white areas. This results in a sharp
reduction in the amount of data that is transferred to the printer.
Colour Mode
Switch between Colour and Supergrey printing. Normal Amiga Workbench
printer drivers are limited to 16 shades of grey (after brightening the
graphics output, even fewer shades are available). Digita Print Manager
can print colour pictures using up to 256 shades of grey.
With Supergrey enabled, every colour picture will be printed as a greyscale
picture. Remember to select Colour instead of Grey as the Shade in
Wordworth ("Print setup" command, Project menu). To print more than 16
shades of grey you will need to define a custom dither matrix that enables
you to print more than 16 shades
Supergrey can be disabled in several ways. Take care that none of the
following special cases are in effect if you want to print pictures using
"Custom dither". and "Colour adjustments" options are by passed if you use
a Density below 3, or if you do not use Workbench Dither method Ordered (to
print halftone dithers with Supergrey, use the Digita Print Manager dither
These are the parameters that must be enabled for printing with
Supergrey: , FUNCTION DENSITY WORKBENCH DITHER Supergrey >2 Ordered Colour
adjustment >2 Ordered Ink compensation >2 Ordered Dither routines >2
Note: The number of printable shades of greys in Supergrey depends on the
number of shades supported by the dither method you set.
Job End
If the printer device gets closed after printing, you can tell the driver
to signal the end of the print job. There are three kinds of signal: Beep
on the printer, DisplayBeep on the Amiga, or both.
arXon Port
Digita Print Manager supports the arXon parallel switch-box, an external 1
to 3 Centronics switch controllable by software. You can ask Digita Print
Manager to automatically switch to the required port for printing. This
enables you to use a scanner, a digitiser and a printer from your Amiga
parallel port, without having to switch between the devices manually. If
you specify Disabled as the port, no switching will take place.
The Environment variable Sbox-printer must be specified before using the
driver in order to enable the switch box feature of the driver.
For information about arXon, write to arXon GmbH, Assenheimer Str 17,
D-60489 Frankfurt, Germany.
Customise Tabulators
Digita software fully supports tabs and so this option should be ignored.
Page Size And Margins
Digita software fully supports page size and margin control and so this
option should be ignored.
Separ. (separation)
Prints each primary colour separately (C=cyan, M=magenta, Y=yellow,
K=black). This option is useful if your printer only has one ink
cartridge. By printing each of the 4 primary colours in turn, a complete
colour picture can be created.
Prints a mirror image of the page, ideal for T-shirt art.
Most Amiga users are familiar with the "printer trouble." requester
This requester most often appears when you print a document that is several
pages long. It is caused by the Amiga not transferring waiting data to the
printer for a period of time (usually 30 seconds). This is called a
timeout error
A timeout may also appear without a real error happening, for example, if
your printer is waiting for a new sheet of paper. This option lets you
override the setting from 1 to 999 seconds.
However, if a real time out error occurs you will have to wait the
specified time until the timeout error requestor appears (to cancel the
print job).
Text Color
Digita software fully supports text colour and so this option should be
Digita software fully supports typeface and so this option should be
Customize Dither
Most printers print pictures using "binary codes" (put simply, print a dot
or do not print a dot). There is no way to control the brightness of a
single dot. A monochrome printer can only print one colour black. Colour
printers can print three or four primacy colours-cyan, magenta, yellow and
A special technique is needed to print more shades, this is called
dithering. Dither routines print dots of a primacy colour in various
patterns, creating the impression of different shades. The pattern is
described by a dither matrix. For example, as there is no orange ribbon in
the printer, the computer will mix red dots with yellow dots to give the
impression of orange, the patterns of dots for each colour is called a
There are almost no limits to the size of the dither matrix. Amiga
Workbench dither matrices (Ordered and Halftone) are 4 x 4, which is equal
to printing 4 x 4, which creates 16 shades. A dither matrix consists of
threshold values. Each matrix value is compared with the picture's pixel
value. If the value of the pixel is higher than the matrix value, a dot is
Many printers have problems with inks running or overlapping dots. These
problems have a huge influence on the decision as to which dither matrix to
use. There is also a strong relationship between a dither matrix and the
colour adjustment required. A change of print density often requires a
change of the dither matrix and / or "Colour adjustment".
A selection of dither matrices are included with Digita Print Manager, and
by experimentation you will discover which produces the best results for
your current printing requirements.
You can edit and even create your own dither matrices. However, the
theoretical aspects of dither matrices and digital halftones are complex
and way beyond the scope of this instruction book. For more detailed
information, refer to Digital Halftoning by Robert Ulichney (MIT Press,
ISBN 0-262-21009-6).
Colour Adjustments.
This requester lets you make colour adjustments and compensate for ink
impurities. This is why colour adjustments and ink compensation are
To correct graphics printing which is often too dark, or contains too much
The output quality of printers depends largely on the ink/ ribbon and type
of paper (inkjet printers are particularly sensitive to paper type). The
colour adjustment lets you optimize the settings for your ink/ribbon and
paper type
You can perform image processing by controlling the contrast, gamma
correction and brightness of each primary print colour. You can even
filter out unwanted colours
Printer inks are not completely pure materials (for example, magenta ink
contains yellow). You can type your own ink compensation values for
magenta and yellow to correct for these impurities, and so for example,
allowing blues to be printed as blues, rather than purples.
Before Digita Print Manager can process a picture for printing, it is
separated into its primary printing colours. You can adjust each primary
printing colour using the 16 sliders.
Colour adjustment is useful because the colours displayed on a monitor are
different when you print. For example, a bright red on the monitor is
usually printed as dark red, blue is often printed as violet, and
generally, the printer output is often too dark.
Most printers cannot print two adjacent dots (colours) without overlapping
slightly. This problem is known as "dot gain", and causes a muddy and dark
output. You can avoid dot gain by printing in a lower resolution (for
instance 180 DPI on a 360 DPI printer), or by using a special dither matrix
and colour adjustment which is not affected by dot gain.
You can control the colour adjustment sliders in several ways The three
sliders in the top right corner of the requester (Gamma, Brightness,
Contrast) provide global control over all 16 sliders
Color: Colour pictures are printed by most printers using three or four
primary colours. Usually these colours are cyan, magenta, yellow and
black. All 16 colour adjustment sliders are applied to one primary colour
which is selected using the Color cycle gadget. For grey scale gamma
correction, set Color to "B/W-Grey"
Level: Displays measurement of sliders from 0 to 255
Push & Pop: Click Push to memorize the current settings for the 16 sliders
of the selected colour. You can then change colour (using the Color cycle
box), and click Pop to apply the 16 slider settings from the previous
colour to the current colour
Load & Save: Use these commands to save and reload individual colour
adjustment settings
Gamma: Significantly brightens a colour component without losing detail.
It does this by introducing a curve into the colour map, whereby the colour
map is shifted upwards or downward (made brighter or darker respectively),
but no portion of the colour map gets to the maximum or minimum values.
Figure 5-4 shows an example colour map which has a positive gamma
adjustment. The gamma adjustment also affects the contrast of the colour
component. In the darker part of the spectrum, contrast is decreased.
Click Set to implement the new settings.
Adjustment sliders: The 16 colour adjustment sliders in the centre give
you precise control over the colour adjustment function of the driver.
Each slider can be set to one of 256 shades. A higher level means less of
the currently selected primary colour. A lower level means more colour,
causing a darker picture. Dark input values are adjusted by the sliders to
the right.
Brightness: This is like a television brightness setting, except that it
modifies just one specific colour component. It does this by uniformly
shifting the colour map upwards or downward. All input intensifies of one
primary peting colour will be shifted upwards (made brighter) by the colour
If you brighten all the primary printing colours, the whole picture gets
brighter. Beware-as you increase the brightness, the darkest intensity
also lightens, and most of the brighter levels share the same intensity
levels, which results in an overall loss of detail
Click Set to implement the new settings.
Contrast: This is like the television contrast setting, except that, like
the Brightness setting, it modifies just one specific colour component, At
one extreme the colour map becomes flat, which means that all input
intensities map to the same output intensity (no contrast). The other
extreme is a vertical line for a colour map, which produces a primary
colour with exactly two intensities (maximum contrast).
Click Set to implement the new settings.
Set: Implements the adjustments for Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast
Comp, M Y (Compensation Magenta and Yellow): Use to adjust the ink
compensation of the printer driver, Printer inks are not completely pure
materials. "Comp. M" defines the percentage of magenta ink in the cyan
ink "Comp, Y" defines the percentage of yellow ink in the magenta ink. You
could, for example, set the ink compensation value "Comp, M" to 31 (%) and
"Comp. Y" to 40 (%) for better results with impure inks on the Deskjet
Invert: Inverts all 16 sliders,
Bright gadgets: Lets you increase or decrease the brightness of all 16
Default: Resets all 16 sliders to the default values used by most Amiga
printer drivers (no colour adjustment)
Greyscale Adjustments
Follow the previous section, "Colour Adjustments". Simply ignore the
reference to colour settings and colour compensation
Click Save to permanently save the settings to disk. The requester will
then close.
Click Use to use the settings for the current session only (until the Amiga
is switched off). The requester will then close.
Click Cancel to close the requester without using or saving any of the new
Digita PinDriver
Refer to Section 5.1, "Digita-Pin9Driver", and note the following
To modify this printer driver, double-click the icon Digita PinPref
(located in your Wordworth prefs drawer,hard disk users- Amiga Workbench
Prefs drawer), and then click on the copyright message window.
Graphics Mode
Set the graphic emulation for printing (described in your printer manual).
Text Mode
Set the text emulation for printing (described in your printer manual).
Some printers produce unsightly horizontal stripes when printing graphics.
Often, the line feed is slightly too much or too little, causing dark or
white horizontal lines. This is called "banding" With LineFeed you can
even compensate for the mechanical inaccurary of the printer. Set LineFeed
to -1 if you are experiencing white lines when printing, or +1 if you are
experiencing dark lines.
Dramatically improves the printing speed of graphics by making the printer
skip over white areas (reducing in the amount of data transferred to the
The slider lets you set the amount of data reduction to suit your
printer. Printers can be classified in three categories:
Improved speed and quality, include Nec, Epson and the latest Star
Reduced speed and quality, include Panasonic, Seikosha, Oki and Citizen
Non-compatible printers, include Fujitsu and Some old Star and Panasonic
To find the best Optimize setting for your printer:
Step 1
From Wordworth, choose "Place picture" command (Utilities menu), and place
the file Optimize.iff located on the Digita Print Manager disk).
Step 2
Double-click the Digita-PinPrefs icon (Prefs drawer, Wordworth disk, hard
disk users: Amiga Workbench Prefs drawer), and, using the slider, set
Optimize to 100%.
Step 3
Print the docunment and study the printer head closely while printing the
graphic. Three things may happen:
Vertical lines are left justified. Your printer is not compatible. Set
Optimize to 0%.
Printer head movement slows on each vertical line, which may appear offset
(or uneven). Set Optimize to 50%.
No side effects, Set Optimize to 100%.
Considerable experimentation may be necessary to find the best Optimize
value, but you will be rewarded by increased printing speed, possibly two
or three times faster.
Digita DeskDriver
Refer to Section 5.1, "Digita Pin9Driver", and note the following
To modify this printer driver, double-click the icon Digita DeskPref
(located in your Wordworth Prefs drawer, hard disk users-Amiga Workbench
Prefs drawer), and then click on the copyright message window
Modern Deskjets (DJ500C and DJ550C) use an intelligent algorithm to
selectively remove dots from the printed image. 25% Depletion will remove
about one quarter of the dots from the image, 50% will remove about one
half. Using depletion may improve the print quality where there is severe
colour bleed. The hue of the colours will be changed slightly.
Set Depletion to 0% if printing a greyscale picture, otherwise you will not
be able to print real black areas.
With the Deskjet 500C and 550C, Depletion may be used with greyscale and
colour graphics. The setting will be ignored by Deskjet 500 (and earlier)
Shingling, or check boarding, is a process of printing in an interlaced
manner on a Deskjet 500C or 550C. You can remove possible stripes from a
picture, though colour pictures tend to be dark and muddy. If this is the
case, a different dither method and/or colour adjustment may help.
0% 16 48
25% 8 24
50% 4 12
Number of nozzles active and dot rows of paper advanced
Sets the paper or transparency type with PCL5C printers.
Depletion 25% 0%
Shingling 25% or 50% 25% or 50%
Density 300 DPI 300 DPI
Quality High High
Recommended graphic print modes for paper and transparencies
Sets the direction of the print-head, left to right, right to left, bi-
directional, or smart bi directional
Draft prints at twice the speed, using half the ink, but with low quality
"High graphics" prints high quality.
Compresses the information sent to the printer, which results in faster
The different compression modes are:
Mode 0 /None Off
Mode 2 /TIFF Pictures
Mode 3 /Delta Text
Mode 023/Smart Combination of previous modes
Digita DeskDriver4C
Refer to Section 5.1, "Digita Pin9Driver", and note the following
To modify this printer driver, double-click the icon Digita DeskPref4C
(located in your Wordworth Prefs drawer, hard disk users--Amiga Workbench
Prefs drawer), and then click on the copyright message window.
The settings for the Digita-DeskPref4C are identical to Section 5.3,
"Digita-DeskDriver", except for the following:
Use with PCL5C compatible printers that are not compatible with the Deskjet
550C, such as the Deskjet1200 and Paintjet 300XL.
Dry Hold
Sets the time interval after a page is printed, but before it is ejected,
to allow the ink to dry.
Digita LaserDriver
Refer to Section 5.1, "Digita-Pin9Driver", and note the following
To modify this printer driver, double-click the icon Digita LaserPref
(located in your Wordworth Prefs drawer, hard disk users-Amiga Workbench
Prefs drawer), and then click on the copyright message window.
Max. Res.
Sets the printer`s maximum printing resolution
This option should be ignored
Number of copies to print. Set to zero to disable. If you wish to print
multiple copies with Wordworth, it is faster to set the number of copies
here, rather than the Wordworth print requester (Print command, Project
Paper Tray
Selects the paper input tray. Use Default for the printer selected paper
Paper Dest
"Paper destination" selects the paper output tray. Use Default for the
printer selected paper tray
PPage Offs
Digita software fully supports the control of page borders and so this
option should be ignored
Compresses the information sent to the printer, which results in faster
The different compression modes are:
Mode 0 /None Off
Mode2/TIFF Pictures (PCL4 or higher)
Mode 3 /Delta Text
Mode 023 / Smart Combination of previous modes
Mode 5 /ERGS Encapsulation of the previous modes
(Mode 3, 023, 5 are only supported by PCL5 compatible laser printers)
Printer Job Language (PJL) is supported by some printers that have built in
multiple emulations. Also, the latest HP4 family printers use PJL for
controlling various printer settings like page protect and 600 DPI printing
For Ricoh printers, set to "Ricoh LP1200".
Digita CanonBJ5-230
Refer to 5ection 5.1, "Digita Pin9Driver", and note the following
To modify this printer driver, double-click the icon Digita-CanonPrefBJ5
230 (located in your Wordworth Prefs drawer, hard disk users-Amiga
Workbench Prefs drawer), and then click on the copyright message window.
Print Mode
Leave set to "Text & Graphics"
Font Download
This option should be ignored
Some printers produce unsightly horizontal stripes when printing graphics.
Often, the line feed is slightly too much or too little, causing dark or
white horizontal tines. This is called "banding". With LineFeed you can
even compensate for the mechanical inaccuracy of the printer. Set LineFeed
to -1 if you are experiencing white tines when printing, or +1 if you are
experiencing dark lines
Q When trying to print from any other program, I get a cannot open
printer,device" message.
A Run the Workbench Printer preference program and select a non Digita
print Manager driver (such as EpsonQ), then click Use
Q When I print a colour graphic, my colours do not appear the same as those
A Refer to Section 5.1, "Digita Pin9Driver", "Colour Adjustments", and
adjust the sliders for each of the primary colours as appropriate for your
printer driver.
Q My printout appears back-to-front
A You have the Mirror option selected in your Digita printer driver
Q When printing, I sometimes get a message in the top left corner of the
screen saying "printer trouble": Make printer on line, but my printer is
on line and full of paper
A Increase the value in the Timeout edit box in your Digita printer driver
Q When printing colour graphics on my colour Deskjet, the black ink seems
to run into all the other colours.
A Refer to Section 5.3, "Digita-DeskDriver", "Depletion", and set to 50%.
Q When printing colour graphics, only part of the image appears, which is
in just one colour.
A Only one Separation colour check box is selected. You need to select all
colours for colour printing, Refer to Section 5.1, "Digita Pin9Driver",
"Separ. (separation)".